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My Specialist Experience Teaching Children with Social Communication Difficulties
Supporting children with Social Communication Difficulties by promoting their ability to understand and interpret the world around them will enable them to develop relationships with their peers, feel happier, gain confidence and become more independent. I have found that it is important to model what I want to see from the child by using an appropriate tone of voice and by being explicit, clear and consistent. Emotional Literacy is important; using visual resources and correctly labelling my own feelings and then helping them to label theirs (not assuming what their feelings are) can support the development of this. I can help them meet their personal goals: turn taking, eye contact (or body facing if eye contact is too uncomfortable), greeting people, playing games, using appropriate language etc. through games, role-play, use of scenarios and interactive sessions. I have implemented intervention programmes to help children develop friendships and appropriate behaviours at school, including the use of ‘Circle of Friends’ programme. I can support children to recognise and interpret feelings, build empathy and understanding, listen and respect those around us, respond appropriately and practice conflict resolution.
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